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Another soft landing with the Leprechaun Ver. XL controlled by the dog Nelli

1 thought on “Another soft landing with the Leprechaun Ver. XL controlled by the dog Nelli

  1. Hello Michael

    Nice to see your progress with the Leprechaun XL after returning from my vacation. Looks like you have the previous teehthing troubles with the XL version more or less solved. Looks just fantastic in the air and seems to be flying even a bit better than the “short” version. 😉
    Did I read correctly in your Video description, that you have changed the Motor too? And by the way, I am really wondering how you refitted the nose of your V2 version for the bigger Motor and that huge 4s3800 battery…I can barely fit my 3s2200 battry into the nose…;-)

    Anyway, I have seen that Markus from the RC Network forum has already received the fuselage refit kit. So I assume that the full refit kits will be available soon?

    Best regards


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