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Dane Rc version of the legendary Lazy Bee

Dane RC is developing our version of the famous Lazy Bee, and it will be made as a 3 D puzzle which is very easy to assemble
There will be a glider version and an electric version, and it will be possible to make it with flaps and ailerons, but also without
We expect to be able to offer the sale of the model this year

Dane Rc

7 thoughts on “Dane Rc version of the legendary Lazy Bee

  1. Any idea when it will be ready to be sold?

    1. We expect sales to start in September

  2. Hallo Michael, what size is the model ?…love Lazy Bee….

    1. Hi Roberto – it will be 2 meters in wingspan and I expect that the electric version will weigh about 2.6-2.8 kg

      1. Thanks…..great size….waiting to start sale….

  3. I would like a kit if it is available.

    1. Hi Andreww – We have it in stock, so you can order it on our website

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